Is Web3.0 a fancy talk?

Madhavi Desai   -   20th Jan 23   -   636  

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Is Web3.0 a fancy talk?
  Madhavi Desai   -   20th Jan 23 

Is Web3.0 a fancy talk?

#minutearticle #Technology

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In the revolutionary digital era, where technology is very close to being omnipotent, the rise of the third generation of the internet is imminent!

Web 3.0 is the third edition of the web that offers individual users greater control over their personal information. This read-write-own version of the internet provides increased security through Blockchain technology leveraging Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Natural Language Processing to read and understand the emotions of the data. Blockchain, Smart Contracts, and Digital Assets and Tokens form the foundation of Web 3. It benefits users with ownership of their data, permission to access network data and services, Privacy as individual identity is attached to the digital wallet, speed, and the highest level of engagement through immersive technologies.

Aiming to shift the control of personal information from Big tech companies to individual users, will the decentralized version of the web, yet in its infancy pick up the pace?



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